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Broadband Information Transport and Secured Optical Network (BITS-ON) Group

BITS-ON group is established in 2017 at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India, in order to carry out cutting-edge research in the domain of Information and Communications (ICT) Technology. This group interfaces with leading worldwide network operators, vendors, standardization bodies, as well as academic partners and delivers practical solutions for the real-time problems of next-generation  ICT technology.

Research Agenda: Designing secured and cost-effective solutions for the next-generation core and metro optical network, which can support the overall telecom traffic growth. To enhance the end-user capacity of the access network with low cost-per-bit, the BITS-ON group explores the achievable capacity of the already deployed optical fiber infrastructure. On the other hand, this group also focuses on next-generation optical fibers for greenfield deployment. Furthermore, we also focus on integrating quantum networks with classical WDM-based optical networks to ensure secured, cost-effective, end-to-end service affordability.

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